
    "Me, Myself, and I" - Pyrochick777
The poem "Me, Myself, and I" was a very long poem about how the poet is and how people view them. The poet is just an average person who wants the true her to be heard, but knows that not all people understand the complexity of other people. Other people view the poet as a girl who is nearly perfect, but she's really just like everyone else. She says 'It's impossible to understand who I am, Or at least I don't know anyone who can'  which really related to me because sometimes I feel like no one really gets who I truly am as well. 

    "I'm Me" - tidal
    The poem "I'm Me" was really creative and cool, like they were lyrics to a catchy song, but they also really spoke to me. The poet is a rebel, saying he doesn't give a hoot about what other people think about him and he's just gonna be himself. He thinks it's boring to live his life the way he's told to, which is exactly how I feel a lot of the time. "I'm Me and I'm nothing like You" ; true words. We are all different and special in our own ways, and shouldn't want to be like anyone else.